Ohio FFA Alumni Association Council Members

Official Status

Local Level

State Level



Ohio Council

​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​The Ohio FFA Alumni Association is the "officially" chartered Ohio FFA Alumni Association in the state of Ohio.

We were chartered by the National FFA Alumni Association in 1971.

We are a 501c3 non-profit association with official status under the

National FFA Organization and the National FFA Alumni & Supporters.

The Ohio FFA Alumni supports and serves almost 26,000 Ohio FFA members

and over 24,000 Ohio FFA Alumni members.

"We Are FFA"

(Please open the link at right) 

At the Local Level

Agriculture teachers rely on FFA Alumni to assist them in getting more support from the community for their agriculture programs and to give them more time and freedom to do what they do best - teach kids. FFA relies on Alumni for help recruiting other members and raising funds for chapter activities and scholarships.

FFA Alumni members are the true "grass roots" Volunteers & Supporters, who offer our experience, our time, our finances, and mentor FFA Members who embrace Agriculture Education at the local FFA Chapter level.  We are former FFA Members, community Volunteers and Leaders, and ordinary People who are passionate about providing tomorrow's Agriculture youth with practical application experiences and life events. These experiences and events assist in shaping their lives for an ever changing world and growing population.

FFA Alumni members work closely to assist the Agriculture Education Advisor and the FFA members in our local school districts where Agriculture Education is taught. We assist with Career Development Events (CDE), at FFA Camp and conferences, the State and National FFA Convention, and other personal development programs by mentoring students and teaching them important skills for increased knowledge and for local, state, and national competition. We also provide our time to judge these  competitions.

FFA Alumni members serve voluntarily and we do not receive monetary compensation for our time or experience. The last stanza of the FFA Motto is "Living to Serve" which is exemplified by our serving others before ourselves and serving our communities in order to benefit the betterment of every individual.  Through our commitment, FFA Alumni helps assist and guide the members in their communities down the path to success.

At the State Level

FFA Alumni members who serve on the Ohio FFA Alumni Council work as an elected body to collaborate with FFA Advisors and FFA  Alumni Leaders across our state. The Ohio FFA Alumni Council provides leadership for the state, provides monetary and manpower support for state events, and helps to regulate and start local alumni affiliates. We manage state Affiliate Rosters and submit to the National FFA Alumni & Supporters.

In particular, the Ohio FFA Alumni donates and assists in annual projects of the FFA and FFA Alumni such as the Washington Leadership Conference (WLC) Scholarships, Sponsorship of the Greenhand Quiz, and Life Time Ohio and National FFA Alumni membership for our State FFA Officers. In addition, we hold an annual business meeting to discuss issues, share ideas, fellowship with Ohio FFA Alumni members, and to transact needed business.

The Ohio FFA Alumni Council is continually evaluating ideas, establishing new goals, and developing new programs that will assist us in helping Alumni Leaders and FFA Chapters throughout our state. Your input and help is always appreciated.

Our Constitution and Bylaws- 2020

Current Council Members and Nomination Form

​Amendments to the Constitution/Bylaws must be received by the Executive Secretary

90 days prior to the Annual meeting and Council must post for the Alumni body

on this site 60 ​days prior to Annual Meeting.

                    Contact Ron Tilford with questions

Official FFA Alumni Charter